
The time and space of a universe expand simultaneously from the moment of the singularity.


Time is a series of discrete instants organized into granular units. These units are called blocks, which can be subdivided into smaller intervals called seconds and thirds, providing a hierarchical structure that reflects how time is measured and flows within the universe.

Time can be represented with the following structure:

fn main() {
struct Time {
    block: u64,
    second: u32,
    third: u32,

Typically, time is written in the format block:second:third, and time begins at 0:0:0, which marks the start of a universe.


Space is similarly composed of discrete units, referred to as blocks. These blocks are isolated from one another, and the distances or relationships between them are not currently understood. Collectively, these blocks make up the block space, often simply called the space.

There is also a special kind of space called the void space, which fills the gaps between blocks. The void space was formed at the singularity and is considered a unique block—block 0. As time progresses and space expands, each newly created block is assigned a number corresponding to the block element of its creation time.

The overall shape of the block space defines the shape of the universe. According to the Growing Block Theory1, it is hypothesized that the block space has a spiral shape, representing the continuous outward expansion of the universe with each new block. However, the precise mathematical structure of this space remains undefined.


Fictionalized according to Growing Block Universe.