Spaces can be claimed by users if they are unoccupied.
The owner of a space can set rules to determine what kinds of objects can move into the space, similar to how relations are formed between objects. This is why move is also considered a type of interoperation.
Portals and wormholes can be built within a space, effectively turning the entire space into an entry point to another world or universe.
Space registration and related operations are governed by the OOPS contract.
Claim Spaces
To register a new space at a specific block:
function registerSpace(uint64 block, bytes32 desc) external;
Navigating Spaces
To move an object to a new position:
function move(uint256 obj, uint128 pos) external;
To move multiple objects to a new position:
function move(uint256[] memory objs, uint128 pos) external;
Discovering New Worlds
Verse Jumping