
Information that is constantly transmitted in the air is referred to as radiation. By detecting and analyzing these radiations, builders of probes discovered that they tend to approach some form of consensus, and can be categorized into three types:

  1. Chain Committed: Represents confirmed events that have been accepted into the universe chain. These events form the foundation for more structured data, such as transactions or receipts. Committed radiations signal firm decisions and mark a point of finality in the chain.

  2. Chain Reorganized: Indicates the reorganization of a chain, where previous states are reshuffled to accommodate new events. This alters the chain's structure but doesn't fully revert prior actions, making it a temporary shift rather than a complete undoing.

  3. Chain Reverted: Refers to a full rollback of part of the chain. Events and transactions are effectively erased as though they never happened, signaling a complete reversal and restoration of the chain to an earlier state.

From these fundamental types of radiation, builders have been able to extract more specific and detailed signals. For instance, Chain Committed radiation often contain embedded commitments to structured data, such as transactions and receipts. By delving deeper into these layers, a variety of signals have been identified, enriching the understanding of the universe's activities.